
ladies and gentleman, she's done it again!

oh my. remember how I lost my camera a few months ago, at the airport, and was so terribly disappointed in myself? well I lost it again. at the zoo. about a week ago. and it doesn't look like I am gonna get a second chance this time. sigh. I keep calling and it hasn't been turned in so... it's gone. just gone. 
on the up side... I had taken all the photo's off of it the night before so the only photo's I lost were the zoo pics. 
also on the up side... I remembered that Diana had lost her camera little while ago, and I went to check out people's suggestions on replacement cameras and realized that she lost it after a trip to the zoo. so the point is... I am just as cool as Diana. (I wish.)
in the mean time... here are some super cute pics of me and my hubby on our anniversary date and the sunset we watched... super cute, super cute  right??? 


diana said...

losing your camera at the zoo is the latest trend. believe me.

is it sad that i still haven't replaced it and am still borrowing my parents camera? now that is not trendy.

afton said...

could be a long shot but check this site... www.ifoundyourcamera.blogspot.com
couldn't hurt right? and you two are the cutest!

Anonymous said...

so i might have said this before.
but i am pretty sure we have the same haircut/color.
was it from a ridiculous bleach blonde-to-green for a couple days-to-nice honey brown? oh the joy of dying hair. do you also say "i am never going to dye my hair again" everytime you dye it? cause' thats what i do.
anyways- that stinks about your camera- hope you find a good one.

(i love the pictures from the anniversary.)

chelsea :: stock said...

kate I think we do have the same hair color. It was bleached. except when I colored it mine went reddish for a little while, instead of green, and now its a honey colored-ish color. I feel cool then, if I have something the same as you. Not only that, but I, too, have made the vow to never, ever color my hair again. It never lasts... Its just too fun. I plan on coloring it again in the fall... but for now I am too poor... I gotta start saving... since I don't have any friends to do it for me cheap up here.

I am going thrifting today, and wouldn't it be fun if you could come with? I know we haven't met... but it seems like you would be a great thrifter... and its always more fun to thrift with a friend?

afty... we are SUPER cute... geez.

diana. still hoping they'll find yours huh? me too.

Myke said...

I think we all need to regress to the disposable film camera. Big deal if we lose it.

sarah said...

oh, i think i would die if anything happened to my camera. sadly, it evokes almost as much fear as losing my child. (that's messed up.)

that picture of you on your anniversary... wowsa. check those eyes on the two of you.

angela hardison said...

YEP, super cute. Super cute.

Jade said...

Don't be so hard on yourself...let me how could you lose your camera? how am I supposed to see your beautiful face if you can't take pictures of it?! Ha ha I love you and I miss you!