

I put rill-bot in this shirt this morning as motivation. today is grocery day and I need a little help as I walk through the valley of temptation. she seemed super psyched to model it.
post-christmas I have been recommitting to my goal.
recommitting to cardio.
recommitting to strength training.
recommitting to a sensible diet.
recommitting to portion control.
recommitting to feeling good, and "hot." yah know?
yesterday at church someone gave a talk on discipleship. i believe it pulled some quotes from this talk. the sentiment that struck me was about choosing joy over pleasure. how often am I giving in to pleasure of the moment (food or laziness) instead of choosing joy (self-discipline or energy)? it wasn't exactly the speaker's intent, but I benefitted none the less. how much happier will I be over all, if I can master this one little thing, my health? besides, I find that in the gospel the same principles are often echoed and mirrored throughout all aspects of life. committing to taking control of my physical health can give me the same tools I need for my mental health, and my spiritual health. this makes me feel more empowered than anything else.
even as I write this I know that my motivation will eventually slow, and I will get discouraged and distracted. things are so much easier said than done. I just need to remember to keep putting one foot in front of the other. it's a marathon, not a sprint. it's the journey, not the destination. "it's the climb." and all other things cliche.
and really, how cute is this baby? she is joy enough.


sarah said...

i just got an email with some tips and tricks for this crazy world of self-discipline. check it out.

it's a constant reminder, re-reminder, re-re-reminder for me. i just wish there was a way to not crave cheddar & sour cream chips.

Jacquee said...

i love this post. Especially with the encouragement to choose joy over pleasure. I love getting those "ah ha" moments when I see the truths of the Gospel in everyday situations. You had my "ah ha" moment for me. Thank you!

And Rilla's shirt should read: "my mom is hot. it runs in the family. obviously"

Anonymous said...

ugh. its so hard. so hard. i'm in it with you.

and she is really cute.

kayleen said...

i have to remind myself of this constantly that it all comes down to a choice, not circumstance.

circumstance provides us with a million reasons why we can't and inevitably don't. it'd like to punch circumstance in the face.