
unsocially acceptable

I've been feeling unsocial. we've been spending our days at home, just the three of us. waiting patiently for dad to come home each night. taking our time doing whatever is is we are doing. playing, sitting, laying, laughing. I've just been loving on their faces. we've had some lovely days, relaxed and easy. we've had some days where we lived from mess to mess and by day's end I am a tad frazzled and wondering why we didn't leave the house. but I just haven't felt the need to find company outside these walls.
I don't know if this is a good thing, or a bad thing.
like, am I stuck in my place of comfort? or simply content?
then I read this, and I am going with the latter. I know it's not quite the same, since I spend my "alone" time with three other people, but it's kind of a neighboring vein in my mind.
that being said... more family coming to visit this weekend. and we'll be celebrating my birthday. that kinda social I can get behind. gimme cake.


sarah said...

chelsea - you know what's funny? when i saw that video i thought of you. such a beautiful poet. such a calming grace. both of you. <3

angela hardison said...

i've been feeling pretty unsocial too. i think sometimes it's essential for sanity :)

happy upcoming birthday!

diana said...

i like being unsocial.

i like being social, too.

but i like being unsocial.

take it as it comes.