
"here in my arms...

were the best parts of life, going on, blooming like a strong tree"*
I was sitting in sacrament meeting at church, and realized that the thing I was most grateful for this mother's day was getting to be a mother. or rather, getting to actually mother. all those moments that I get to be there, be with her, teach her, love her, worry about her, snuggle her discipline her... are a great privilege, especially when there are a vast number of circumstances that would take us away from those moments. I considered how I really am blessed beyond what I deserve. It made for a great mother's day. 
of course, the card, dinner, home made necklace, home-grown flower, sees chocolate, and being released from nursery** didn't hurt either. thank you. 
*Sarah's Quilt by Nancy Turner
** I did and will miss my kids a lot, actually, and  found being quiet  and sitting still for two more hours was way more difficult then I remembered. 


diana said...

i, too am so thankful to be a mother.

p.s. glad you're back to posting.

kayleen said...

yay for being released from nursery! what is your new calling now?

chelsea :: stock said...

I am on the Home, Family and Personal Enrichment Committee still. Only one calling for a little while... that will be weird.