
light and shadow

yesterday we went for frozen yogurt. mom, me, the girls, nells, sarah. we told petra it was a special, girl fun adventure. we loaded up in the van. petra was excited. it was fun to see her excited. light.
kays and the boys met us there. light.
the whole time there was a weight sitting on my chest. a sister was missing. shadow.
I couldn't even touch it. mention her. everyone was going to think I was insensitive, of course I should mention her not being there. slight panic. I can't touch it. I'm driving. shadow.
the boys ran up to petra wanting her to come over as soon as she got her yogurt. light.
petra loved getting to choose her topping. light.
ash really likes frozen yogurt. shadow.
I think she really liked frozen yogurt. or am I just thinking that she did, because she is everywhere these days? slight panic because an invaluable detail escapes me. shadow.
in all likely hood she would have probably been at work, in the middle of the work week, in the middle of the day. light. shadow. it let me breath. because she was probably just at work. yeah, would probably just be at work.


diana said...

one day, light will shine on those shadows.

not now, maybe not soon enough, but someday some light will shine there.

kayleen said...

i think everyone felt the same weight and was afraid to mention it. (i just waited to break when mom walked me out to my car.)

did you not get my text on your drive home? - i held my pee to the point where it felt like i didn't even need to go anymore. i'm pretty sure a kidney absorbed it. super hero? probably.

love you. (move home)

chelsea :: stock said...

lots of moments like that right? a lifetime, probably.

and yes, I got your text. I laughed.

and yes, you are probably a superhero. The Amazing Kidney Soak Girl? I'll work on the name.

love you too.

love that you called her mom.

moving home... willing it in to reality.